October 21, 2024
Dimploma Asset with School Logos for Graduation Story
Dimploma Asset with School Logos for Graduation Story

It is no secret that the past few years have been some of the most challenging times in recent memory for those attending school. The amount of upheaval our students of all ages have faced since 2020 has been quite simply unprecedented. Their daily routine was turned upside down and they were forced to adapt to a less than ideal situation.

Nobody knew what to expect from day-to-day – and a situation like that would be tough for students of any age – but there was certainly added pressure on those who were in the final stages of their high school career.

These young adults were looking to make the most of their opportunity to get a high-quality education here in Cumberland, but their hopes were often shattered just as quickly as they were mustered due to outside forces beyond their control.

It is true that we cannot choose what happens to us, but we most certainly can choose how we react to what happens to us. Here at Cumberland Life, we are eternal optimists and choose to believe that most often, challenges are simply opportunities in disguise. And if our students choose to share our belief, then what seemed unbearable for a while, can actually lead to something unbelievable.

Perseverance is a skill that can only be learned through trials, tribulations and the toughest of times – and that is exactly what you have all faced, but more importantly overcome. The Class of 2022 is now graduating with much more than their High School Diploma; they are graduating with a Master’s Degree in Adversity and Perseverance.

The team here at your community newspaper, wanted to use this edition to recognize the efforts of our soon-to-be graduates, and applaud the perseverance needed to overcome the challenges they all faced over the past couple of years. We also hoped that this would give our greater community the opportunity to give these grads a well earned pat on the back for staying the course and not giving up!
But we are not the only ones who are inspired by the tenacity of our young students. We reached out to the local school board to hear their take on the graduating class of 2022, and here is what they had to say:

“We are looking forward to celebrating graduates in a way that looked similar to before the pandemic; in-person and inclusive of the whole class,” said Gary Adams, Regional Executive Director of Chignecto Central Regional Centre for Education. “I want each graduate to know how proud we all are of their hard work and years of study that led to their high school graduation. The past two and a half years have been exceptionally unique and challenging. Their determination and resilience are qualities to celebrate.”

So celebrate them we will!! On behalf of our team here at Cumberland Life, we would like to extend a sincere congratulations to each and every student who will be graduating from high schools all around Cumberland County – we are so proud of you, and Cumberland is too!

Remember these words from the great Ralph Waldo Emerson:
“What lies behind us, and what lies before us are but tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”

What you have all been through is the perfect setup for a monumental comeback, and we cannot wait to see all of the incredible things that this resilient group of young men and women will achieve in the decades to come.

One thing is safe to say – Cumberland’s future is bright!