October 22, 2024
Millie MacLeod
Co-organizer and Nurse Millie MacLeod

Cancer has affected us all. I lost my mother at a young age and I am passionate about saving lives from cancer. Taking care of your health is important, because YOU ARE IMPORTANT.
Cancer can be beaten. We must never give up the Fight Against Cancer. We must never give up the Fight for Life.

Join Nurse Millie MacLeod and I, and our Cancer Prevention and Awareness Team to talk about ways to prevent cancer, detect cancer early with screening tests, and cope with cancer.

Nova Scotia’s most commonly diagnosed cancers are breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men. Lung cancer and Colon cancer are the next most common in our area. We will have information on these most common cancers as well as others such as lymphoma and melanoma.

We will have a team of volunteers and professionals on site. You can pre-register or book a pap smear (a screening test for cervical cancer) by calling Tanya at 902-667-3330.

Cancer Survivors, Dieticians, Pharmacists, YMCA, and Nurses will all be on site to create more awareness of cancer prevention and early detection which can lead to a cure.

The pandemic has placed important personal health prevention on the back-burner. It’s time to make your personal health a priority!!

Regardless of the pandemic, Cancer is still affecting too many people and families.
Let’s make cancer prevention and early screening for cancer a focus to help save lives.

~ Elizabeth